BC Technology Social Venture Partners Event - Sept 28th
BC Technology Social Venture Partners (BCTSVP) is presenting "Discover the Potential of Social Enterprise" and you're invited. BCTSVP is a charitable foundation created by individuals in B.C.'s technology industries to go beyond cheque book charity and "contribute [...] time, expertise and entrepreneurial acumen to the not for profit world".
BCTSVP is inviting interested parties to the Four Corners Business & Employment Centre to get to know the organization and to hear about their work with two Vancouver social enterprises, the Potluck Café and Fast Track to Employment(FTE).
Tuesday, September 28th, 4:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Four Corners Business & Employment Centre
390 Main St – NE corner of Main & Hastings
“Lead Partners” Jessica Hotz and George Brown will tell you about shepherding
a new SVP project from grant proposal through funding, planning and execution.
Liz Lougheed Green, Executive Director, Potluck Cafe Society and David LePage,
CEO, FTE, will explain their organizations and the impact they are having in Vancouver.
Invest 90 minutes of your time. The return on your investment to Vancouver’s social fabric could be unlimited.
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